HSE Plan

      • Duties Responsibilities and Authorities of Authorized Representatives (Safety Officer).
      • Be responsible for administration arrangement, operations and directions of accident
        prevention program.
      • Establish and maintain safety rules and requirements.
      • Provide technical assistance to Eliminate or control unsafe behavior and environment.
      • Conduct accident investigations and reporting and check completeness and accuracy of
        corrective actions.
      • Recommend appropriate action to remove or Control hazard and conduct follow-up
        Inspection in insure compliance.
      • Conduct safety orientation for all newly hired employers.
      • Instruct and educate the site Engineers and foremen who are designated to follow the various
        kinds of construction procedures and report all injuries no matter how minor they may be.
      • Establish and conduct discipline and punishment to the violators of safety regulations rules
        and/or requirements such punishment includes transfer from one post to another or
        ultimately, dismissal.
      • Be responsible to supervise the Safety Organization.
      • Report accidents and relating safety matters to the Royal Commission and maintain all
        records relating to safety, which are required.

Duties Responsibilities and Authorities of Safety Supervisor.

      • Assist Safety officer to eliminate and control unsafe behavior and environment.
      • Periodically inspect, and order maintenance of, Safety tools, protection tools fire
        extinguishers etc.
      • Conduct accident investigations and reporting recommend appropriate action to remove or
        control the use; of gasoline and similar flammable products in conduct follow-up inspections
        to insure compliance.
      • Be responsible to, prevent fire hazards.
      • Supervise and Control the activities of the Safety Engineer.
      • Plan, and conduct safety surveys and inspections giving particular attention to accident
        hazards and all new operations as the works progress.
      • Instruct and educates any employees who become Safety representative on various
        construction activities and rescue them to report all injuries no matter how minor they may
      • Be responsible to establish and maintain safety facilities signboards.
      • Be responsible to establish and maintain discipline in all work areas.


      • Instructions and guidelines will be provided by the safety Engineer and/or Foreman, as is
        required by the changing nature of the work and personnel.
      • Any work area, which is considered hazardous, will be tagged. Barricaded and appropriate
        warning signs will be posted.
      • The same safety practices procedures; orientation and instructions are to be provided to
        subcontractors working on the site.
      • Should it be deemed necessary, meetings will be held on site to re-educate employed
        personnel to safety requirements.


      • The safe practices described in this chapter are for employee